vCloud Availability for vCloud Director: Part 8-Deploy vSphere Replication Cloud Service & vSphere Replication Server

In last post of this series we deployed VRMS appliance. In this post we will deploy the vSphere Replication Cloud Service and the vSphere Replication Server appliance.

If you are not following along this series, then I recommend reading earlier posts of this series from below links:

1: vCloud Availability Introduction

2: vCloud Availability Architecture & Components

3: VCAV Deployment

4: Install Cloud Proxy for vCD

5: Deploy Cassandra Cluster

6: RabbitMQ Cluster Deployment and vCD Integration

7: Deploy VRMS Appliance

Before we kick the deployment, lets recap about what is the role of both appliances in VCAV stack.

What is vSphere Replication Cloud Service (VRCS) ?

The vSphere Replication Cloud Service is a tenant-aware replication manager that provides the required API for managing the service and all the components. vSphere Replication Cloud Service registers as a vCloud Director extension and is accessible through the vCloud Director interface.

What is vSphere Replication Server ?

vSphere Replication Server handles the replication process for each protected virtual machine. vSphere Replication uses the host based replication (HBR) mechanism for protection and replication of vm’s

First we have to define following variables:

Deploy VRCS Appliance

Run the following command to trust the certificate for the vSphere Replication Cloud Service

Deploy vSphere Replication Appliance

Trust the vSphere replication certificate by vSphere using below command 

An OK message will be returned for successful trust b/w the appliances.

And that’s it for this post. 

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