Getting Started With Zerto-Part 8: Checkpoint Tagging

In last post of this series, we discussed about scenarios where we can perform live failover and then we actually tested the same in lab. In this post we will learn about tagging checkpoints.

If you have landed directly on this page by mistake, then I encourage you to read earlier posts of this series from below links:

1: Zerto Architecture and Components

2: Installing Zerto Virtual Manager

3: Installing Zerto Virtual Replication Appliance

4: Creating Virtual Protection Group

5: Performing Test Failover

6: Move VPG from Protection Site to Recovery Site

7: Performing Live Failover

We discussed a little bit about checkpoints in previous posts of this series and we saw zerto automatically creates checkpoints based on your RPO settings. Checkpoints allows a VM to be restored/recovered to a specific time. Any changes beyond the selected checkpoint will not be included in the recovered VM’s. These checkpoints are crash consistent and written to the journals by ZVM.

Zerto provides administrators to manually create checkpoints and add meaningful tags to those checkpoints so that when you are trying to test/live failover, you can easily identify what changes were made in the VM post checkpoint creation. 

Lets jump into lab now and create a checkpoint manually and associate it with a tag.

1: Login to ZVM console and from “Actions” tab, click on “Add Checkpoint


2: Give a meaningful name to the checkpoint and select the VPG which will be associated with this checkpoint and clcik on save button. 


3: Now at the time of test/live failover, we can select the tagged checkpoint from the list. 


I hope you find this post informational. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing. Be sociable 🙂


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